软件Tags: 太阳纪
太阳纪Era of Sun是一款像素风格的动作战斗类冒险手游,游戏以玛雅文化为背景和画风,橙光的完成祭祀就可以了。喜欢的玩家快来试试看吧!
官方介绍 古老神秘的玛雅族要开启祭祀仪式了,需要族人完成神秘的阵法,并收集宝物装饰试衣间,还要巧妙利用机关,快速通关获得图腾,完成祭祀。
Ancient altar is full of unkown secrets! A quest for the truth requares your devotion. According to a Mayan script book, one have to join the line to finish the ceremony…
A small alter, a fascinating puzzle!
Can you solve it?
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