Banuba app是一款好玩的特效照片拍摄应用。Banuba app提供一千多款独一无二的自拍照面部滤镜,搞笑、变美、酷炫等各种效果都有,尽情发挥创造力,让您乐不可支。
软件介绍Banuba app是一款非常有趣的特效相机app,让任何有智能手机的人都可以使用许多面部滤镜。想成为圣诞老人吗? 搞定。想在头上放个大蛋糕吗?易如反掌。想当吸血鬼DJ? 我们也能帮你实现。
软件特色- 你会在所有社交平台上立即变得更酷
- 可随时随地拍摄、保存和分享照片和视频面部滤镜。
- 你可以使用大量滤镜和面具,我们还会不断新增滤镜和面具
- 使用Banuba时,人获得约会机会的几率可提高90%哦(开玩笑的,最后一条是我们编的,但这不会影响你抓住良机)
更新日志v5.0.0Enjoy your stickers app with the following features:
· Improved user interface
· Bugs fixed
- 改进了用户界面
- 修复了错误
v4.25.1享受新的过滤器! 添加了 UI 改进并修复了小错误。
v4.23Hey, selfie lovers!
We're excited to share that this update includes something you have been asking for, and even more.
Also, we fixed a few minor bugs to make the app run smoothly.
We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on the App Store.
Keep calm and take funny selfies!
v4.22Hey, selfie lovers!
We're excited to share that this update includes something you have been asking for, and even more.
Also, we fixed a few minor bugs to make the app run smoothly.
We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on the App Store.
Keep calm and take funny selfies!
v4.21.5Heads up, selfie lovers!
Banuba still looks the same, but this update brings some under-the-hood improvements for a faster and more stable app.
We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our filters on the App Store!
Try our funny video editor now!
v4.21.4Hey, selfie lovers!
We're excited to share that this update includes something you have been asking for, and even more.
Also, we fixed a few minor bugs to make the app run smoothly.
We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on the App Store.
Keep calm and take funny selfies!
v4.21.3Heads up, selfie lovers!
Banuba still looks the same, but this update brings some under-the-hood improvements for a faster and more stable app.
We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our filters on the App Store!
Try our funny video editor now!
v3.18.12 Heads up, selfie lovers!
In this update, we’ve fixed a few minor bugs to make the app run smoothly.
We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app filters on the App Store!
Try our funny video editor now!