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  -Luke Zocchi:Chris Hemsworth的私人教练

  -Joseph Sakoda又名“ Da Rulk”:特别行动教练

  -Ashley Joi:心脏与力量训练师

  -西尔维亚·罗伯茨(Sylvia Roberts):普拉提教练

  -Tahl Rinsky:动态瑜伽教练


  -Tiffiny Hall:HIIT,HIRT,武术专家

  -Gunnar Peterson:力量与耐力总监


  -鲍比·荷兰·汉顿(Bobby Holland Hanton):好莱坞特技演员


  -埃里克·古德曼(Eric Goodman)博士:基础培训的创建者

  -Alexis Naim:整体心理治疗师

  -Darren Robertson:从农场到餐桌的厨师

  -Palisa Anderson:泰国餐馆老板和有机农夫

  -Sergio Perera:受米其林培训的厨师

  -丹·丘吉尔(Dan Churchill):食谱作者和营养教练

  -Ally Bogard:瑜伽与冥想老师

  -西蒙·希尔(Simon Hill):植物性食品播客

  -Fabrice Midal:法国领先的冥想老师


澳洲知名男影星“雷神”克里斯·赫姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)向来以健壮的身体著称,近日35岁的克里斯在社交媒体Instagram上传了一段疯狂的训练视频,并推广了一款自己创建的健身App。



和大多数健身app一样,你可以设定一个目标,记录自己的进展,还可以选择自己锻炼的强度级别。Centr甚至可以使用HealthKit和Apple Watch来记录你的锻炼状况和心率。



海姆斯沃斯和他的妻子、演员埃尔莎·帕塔基(Elsa Pataky)一起开发了这款APP,同时参与其中的还有好莱坞培训师、好莱坞特技演员、海豹突击队教练、瑜伽和普拉提教练、心理治疗师、冥想专家、专业厨师等等。



在这款应用于2月4日发布之前,如果你需要名人的鼓励来起床并好好利用这一天的话,我强烈推荐道恩·约翰逊(Dwayne Johnson)的励志闹钟APP——The Rock Clock。当然你也可以把这两款APP结合起来,这取决于你需要多少动力。

更新日志v4.22.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.21.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.20.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.19.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.18.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.17.0This update includes two exciting new features!

Data saver settings can now be customized based on your network. Under the new Preferences section of your Settings, you can set low-data mode between WiFi and cellular networks.

You can now cast your Coached workouts using GoogleCast! The cast button can be found in the workout controls next to Airplay.v4.16.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.15.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.14.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.13.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.12.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.

This will be the last version of Centr that supports iOS 12 and devices such as iPhone 5s and 6, iPad Mini 2 and 3, iPad Air (1st generation), and iPod Touch (6th generation). These are in line with the minimum requirements necessary in order to ensure Centr experience can progress with the latest software and technology.v4.11.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.10.0We’ve updated your Profile to include your completed meditations. Starting from May your completed meditations have been saved to your profile so you can track your progress & find those soothing sleep visualizations that eased you into a deep sleep, or that quirky Taika Waititi one your kids really loved. Check out the profile tab to see!v4.9.1We’ve updated your Profile to include your completed meals. Starting from April your completed meals have been saved to your profile so you can track the progress of meals cooked. Check out the profile tab to see!

We’ve also updated how to complete audio meditations, you now complete them by listening through to the end of the audio.v4.7.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.6.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.5.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.4.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.3.2The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.2.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.1.2The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v4.0.0Trying to remember that Zocchi workout you completed in November? Want better visibility of your workout progress? Say hello to your Profile! You can now view your workout history and a 5-week snapshot to help you keep track of your workout days.v3.15.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v3.13.1The new, more compact Planner layout allows you to see your whole day at a glance.

Activities are now organized into categories to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for and stay on track.v3.12.1The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v3.11.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v3.10.0The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v3.9.1The Centr Team are constantly working on bug fixes and performance updates so you can count on Centr to run smoothly.v3.8.2Thanks for your feedback, Legends! For this release, the Centr Team have made improvements to the Self-Guided workout timer.
- The workout timer will now keep running unless you manually pause the workout. This means that the final time will more accurately reflect the time you’ve spent working out.
- We’ve also addressed a pain point associated to adding exercise logs. After adding a log, the workout will now resume automatically with a 3-second countdown.
Let us know what you think and if there’s any more changes you’d like to see in this space!v1.6.2

  -Ashley Joi参加了有氧运动和力量训练,使您获得成果。




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